Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week of 10/27/14 - 10/31/14

Monday - Students will start chapter 3 using guided notes, PowerPoint and open discussion. Once students complete lesson 1, they will go complete a workout on the track. Students will run around the stadium and up the stairs. Students will then complete an ab workout, and end with stretching.

Tuesday - Students will work through chapter 3 lesson 2. Students will use information given to them to compare their pre-assessments measurements to standards. They will write how they will make progress to their fitness levels by changing their FITT. Students will participate in a workout for the 2nd half of class. The workout will be on the field. Students will do push-ups, sit-ups, lounges, squats, and sprints. They will participate in an ab workout then end with stretching.

Wednesday - Students will complete chapter 3 lesson 3 using PowerPoint, guided notes, and open discussion. Students will participate in a class workout for the 2nd half of class. The workout will consist of students running a mile. The mile will be untimed. It will prepare them for their final mile of the class.

Thursday - Students will finish chapter 3. Students will complete the diet part of their personal fitness program that they are developing. They will participate in a workout the 2nd half of class. The workout will consist of students running hills outside of the health classroom. Students will do an ab workout after the hill and end with stretching.

Friday - Students will start their active challenge for their school. The 2nd half of class they will participate in a cardio workout. The cardio workout will be students running around the track.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week of 10/20/14 - 10/24/14

Monday - Students will complete vocabulary for chapter 1 to help them understand the information. Students will record their preassessment data and provide that to the teacher.
Tuesday - Students will start chapter 1 notes using open discussion and PowerPoint. Students will complete three sets of stadiums run as their workout. Students will end with an ab-workout.
Wednesday - Students will complete chapter 1 notes and their open discussion concerning how to be safe when exercising. Students will workout in stations: Jump ropes, leg throws, wall-sits, push-ups, and planks. students will end with an ab-workout.
Thursday - Students will start writing assignment using their notes from chapter one. Student will develop a workout plan based on information given in a scenario. This may be a two day writing assignment. Students will complete a workout on the field which will include suicide runs, sprints, lounges, squats, and push-ups (5 sets of 30 secs.). Students will end with an ab-workout.
Friday - Students' project. Students will use this day to develop their workout for their peers that should last for at least 40 minutes. As their workouts students will work through the workout that they will develop for their peers to make sure it meet all requirements for their project. Students already have their rubric for their projects.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Starting Personal Fitness 10/13/14

Week of 10/13/14

Monday - Pre-assessments: Students will discuss paperwork associated with Personal Fitness (Syllabus, rules, daily routines). Following Paperwork students will take their height, weight, and sit-n-reach measures as their pre-assessment measures.
Tuesday - Students will develop their daily warm-ups then students will run their 1st mile for their pre-assessment data

Wednesday - Students will take the written part of their common assessment. After assessment students will complete push-ups and sit-ups which will give them their pre-assessment data for Personal Fitness

Thursday - Students will complete their workout contract, vocabulary for chapter 1, and their first writing prompt

Friday - Students will start chapter one notes then complete the pacer running test

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week of 10/6/14-10/10/14

Monday - Students will read chapter 22 covering Illegal Drugs. Students will complete each lesson assessment following each lesson of chapter 22. Once student complete chapter 22 they will read chapter 24 covering STD/HIV. Students will have two assessments following their reading.

Tuesday - Students and teacher will cover chapter 27 CPR/First Aid using PowerPoint and open discussion.

Wednesday - Students will practice their CPR skills and finish covering the chapter.

Thursday - Students and teacher will review for the final exam. The final exam study guide will be covered and we will review STDs/HIV and CPR. Students will have time to practice their CPR skills again before the final exam.

Friday - Students will take their final exam in health.